Friday, February 4, 2011

PTL [praise the lord]

So, I just got back from my interview! And guess who has a new job!? moi.
That's right, I just got another job and I am so excited for it!
I work about every week! I cannot wait to start this Monday night!

Anyway, in other news. My running has been going great. I've been at this, strong, for 2 weeks now. almost 3 on Saturday. I've come to enjoy the runs/workouts. My goal is to lose 10+ pounds and I'm doing well so far. I've lost 2 pounds so far since the beginning of this journey, and I cannot wait to see the end result.
I'm working out to please myself, to make me happier, healthier, and more in shape. I was perfectly happy with my previous self, but I am striving to be better. I've noticed with the exercising, that I am able to sleep better at night and thus makes me more awake and energized.
I set a date, April 3, 2011, to run my 5k. My dad is going to do it with me, and I absolutely cannot wait. I cannot wait to be able to accomplish this goal that I will have been working on for 2+ months. I know a 5k doesn't sound "big" to some, but it's a step towards accomplishment for me. I've run a 5k before, but that was when I was "fit" from playing high-school sports. I've since stopped those sports, since I am in college, and time gets away from you...before you know it, you are out of shape.

That's all I have for final is less than an hour away. Wish me luck & hope you all have a lovely day!

1 comment:

  1. Meg, that is awesome. Good luck on your final.

    You are doing great with your training for your 5K. We know you can do it.

    "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength"

    We love you.

    Mom Mom and Pop Pop
