Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Hands and Feet.

"And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation." (Mark 16:15) 
I’m excited for what’s happening in my heart, in our hearts right now. There is a group of five girls, myself included, that have been brought together — tonight was our first meeting, out of weeks of trying to make this small group happen. 

We’re reading Undaunted, by Christine Caine. We were to read the introduction and the first chapter. My word, friends — He is stirring in our hearts. Tonight we focused on the simple, but oh so big question, “Why didn’t you come sooner?” 

For those of you who don’t know who Christine Caine is, she is a God-loving woman, Greek, and from Australia (and SO much more). But she has had the calling of reaching out to young ladies in sex-trafficking. I first heard her speak at Passion 2012 conference, in ATL, GA.  In Undaunted, Caine speaks about her conversation with young girls whom she helped rescue from the brothels, they asked her, “Why didn’t you come sooner?” 

This is a question that has tackled my heart, and is just urging myself and this group of girls to take action. We need to actively become Christ’s “hands and feet.” We talked about one young ladies’ call to international missions, but collectively decided to pray and earnestly seek Christ and show Christ in the local city of Wilmington. 

There was a long discussion, prayers, comments, and just an overwhelming emotion to make the young, Christian community known there. We want to help do our part in this generation, who’s yet to succeed in a way to evangelize effectively, in the local city. We have big ideas — we have ideas that are molding and we pray will form into something so successful, ultimately for the glory of God. 

My friends, we need your help — please prayPrayer is one of the most powerful tools that we can use, here. We need to seek God. Pray that we are actively seeking Him. We are taking small steps, we are looking to reach out of our comfortable lives and spread His word. I don’t want to be comfortable anymore. 

“God doesn’t call the qualified. He qualifies the called.” 

Next Saturday will be our first outreach. I humbly ask that you pray for us — pray for open hearts, minds, for us to be uncomfortable, for us to have hearts like servants for our Father. Prayer for us to prepare ourselves for reaching out to the homeless — that we can share with them, talk with them. Pray that we can be His hands and feet. 

"for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control." (2 Timothy 1:7)

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