Monday, March 14, 2011

I am a twin.

I am so blessed to be born with a best friend. [the picture: me, on the left & Lauren on the right]
As our birthday approaches, tomorrow, I wanted to dedicate this post to her. In exactly one day, I will be celebrating twenty years with my twin sister, Lauren. She is my best friend and I couldn't imagine life any other way. She is the person I go to when I have a bad day and need advice, when I have a good day and want to celebrate. We hang out, we laugh, we cry, we shop, we talk, and we really enjoy coffee, together. I don't think anyone can replace the place she has in my heart. She will always be there for me, and I for her.
I want to thank her for everything. For being a "second mom" sometimes...for always knowing what is best. She is someone I look up to, and admire. So, thanks Lauren - you truly are the best and I am so happy to celebrate these twenty years with you.

1 comment:

  1. That is so beautiful. I am so very proud of you, and Lauren. What a great example you are to others. Be sure Lauren sees this post. It is truly wonderful. We love you. Hugs and much love, Mom Mom and Pop Pop XX00
