Saturday, January 7, 2012

i have an obsession and a dream that feeds it.

with office supplies. i know, i know. it’s terrible, but i seriously get a high when stepping foot into a staples. there’s something about it that just makes me … happy.

i get overjoyed at the purchase of new sharpie pens, post-it notes, planners, journals, tabby-stick-on-things, folders, etc. you get the point.

and when i don’t have money, don’t worry, i can still feel the same excitement just by walking into the store. just the opportunity for organization. my mind goes on overload. and secretly i think this love for office supplies, was the drive for me wanting to become a teacher. just think! i can decorate and organize my own classroom, in due time. [oh, and the love of children was a HUGE factor!]

i cannot wait to have the bookshelf behind my desk, with fabric bins—bins filled with supplies. endless supplies of pens, colored pencils, markers, sharpies, dry-erase markers, and staples, the paper bins that hold the children’s homework and the bins that are specially marked with crisp, white labels. and the drawer organizer that holds the more “valuable” pens [in reality, they’ll just be sharpie pens, in a variety of color].

i look forward to being able to have a desk calendar and the thrill that everyone secretly has deep within them, to write on a white board. i look forward to grading papers, when i know that i’ll dread doing so in months after starting this dream job. i am ecstatic to be able to sit in front of my third-graders and read to them after lunch, before starting on the afternoon assignments. i can’t wait to decorate bulletin boards and write out name tags for each child.

but more importantly, i am giddy to no end, about the fact that i’ll have the blessed opportunity to make a difference in a childs’ life. to teach them and help them become the young adult that they have potential for. my dream is to reach those children, to be their favorite teacher—but not just their favorite teacher because i can be fun, but because i “got them”. it’s my goal to let them know that i understand them. i haven’t been the best student, i’ve had my fair share of difficulties in school [including learning obstacles that i’ve had to overcome.] and the teachers who didn’t take the time to get to know me and help me, they weren’t my favorite. and with this knowledge of struggles in school, i don’t want others to suffer from that. i want to be the one that “got them.”

[but i’m still super excited about organizing and decorating my classroom.]

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