Friday, August 31, 2012

Simply, overjoyed.

Do you ever have those seasons of your life where you are beyond happy, overjoyed, and just excited for life? Those times where things fall into place, despite the hardships you've encountered previously?

For me, it's been a wonderful week (and more). Classes started, I thoroughly enjoy each professor. I've been offered (and accepted) a new job, in the field of study I am currently aiming for. I have been encouraged by so many friends, lately, and I am ever grateful for it. I am getting wonderful guidance from my advisor this year, and finally someone is taking the time to help with some struggles in school (a long story for those who don't know this struggle).

And I feel as though I have grown in my faith and dependence on Christ, more than the past year. We all have those periods where you feel as though your faith has had little to no growth; a plateau. I am finally getting out of that and growth is happening and I am ever grateful for it!  Things are looking up and I owe it all to Him. Prayer pays off, and friends who help guide you, push you, they are amazing encouragements.

I'm currently in a place of joy. Praising Him who provides the daily doses of grace, who loves me beyond measure, and for the examples I have set before me from fellow Christians.

I would say I am thankful, but that's just scratching the surface. You have no idea how much you all mean to me and how much you've all helped me become who I am today.


  1. I am so proud of you for so many reasons; but especially today as you publicly recognize the origin of your joy, Jesus Christ! congrats on the job, Meg. They are blessed to have you!
    Love ya,

  2. thanks, friend! it's been a wonderful week! love ya, meg
